Tooth Decalcification

White spots on teeth also known as tooth decalcification are a very common concern. 
Enamel decalcification occurs when the remineralization process of a tooth is disrupted. This stage is visible before cavitation has occurred, and has the ability to be reversed by saliva induced remineralization.
Saliva cleanses the mouth of food and debris, removing sources that promote acidity. Saliva also has the ability to dilute and remove organic acids from thin layers of plaque. Saliva is supersaturated with calcium and phosphate ions. It contains electrolytes and organic molecules that act to stabilize acid levels and promote the tooth remineralization cycle.
Decalcification (white spots on teeth) or demineralization is the process in which minerals, primarily calcium and phosphorous, are dissipated from tooth structure by acids formed from bacteria. The multiplication and adhesion process of bacteria begins within seconds of brushing, and plaque formation begins. 
The bacteria in plaque have the ability to replicate in an oxygenated environment. Without proper oral hygiene care, the bacterial plaque thickens and inhibits saliva penetration; thus causing the calcium and ions of the portion of the tooth in contact, to diffuse into the plaque forming tarter. As a result white spots begin to appear.
(information courtesy of Smile Brilliant -


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